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Significance and Engagement Policy

The Significance and Engagement Policy enables Council and its communities to identify the degree of significance attached to particular issues, proposals, assets, decisions and activities.

This policy advises the public on how the Council approaches decision making and is able to use its discretion when deciding what process to follow. It is designed to help the Council understand how important things are to the community, and guide its approach accordingly.

Key Objectives

  • Enable Council and its communities to identify the degree of significance attached to particular issues, proposals, assets, decisions and activities.
  • Provide clarity about how and when communities can expect to be engaged in Council’s decision making process.
  • Provide direction from the beginning of a decision making process about the extent of expected public engagement and the form of engagement required (i.e. what tools will be used to suit the particular community.
Applicable Legislation: Local Government Act 2002
Effective Date: 1 July 2024