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Aquatic events in the Bay of Plenty Aquatic events in the Bay of Plenty

Apply for an aquatic event permit

Use this form if your event:

  • Does require a suspension of the vessel speed limits (Bylaw clause 3.2)
  • Does require a partial for full lake closure, or
  • Does require a reserved area (Harbour or Coastal)

Please refer to the Bay of Plenty Regional Navigational Safety Bylaw.

For an aquatic event that does NOT require any bylaw uplifting or partial/full lake closure, please complete the Lake and Harbour Usage Form.


Please ensure that you have supplied all of the required information BEFORE submitting your application (refer to the Pre-submit Checklist below).

Applications must be submitted no later than four weeks prior to the event date, or the application may be refused. Please contact us for assistance if you have any questions.

Details of applicant

Details of activity


A map of the area to be used must be attached and marked with the following information:
● The area required for the closure or uplifting.
● The course setup/placement/dimensions.
● Location of any support vessel/s, first aid, entry and exit points etc.
● Any structures (e.g. ramps) required to be closed off.
If the event is taking place on a Rotorua Lake, you can download the applicable lake map from the following website:

NOTE: Under the Current Bay of Plenty Regional Navigation Safety Bylaw, no person(s) other than the Maritime Team may remove, utilise or interfere with any navigation aids or moorings. If this is a requirement for your Aquatic Event a cost will apply.

Safe Operating Plan

To enable us to assess your application, this should include detail such as, but not restricted to:

  • Number and type of vessels and people involved.
  • Qualification and/or experience of safety vessel operator(s) event organiser and events safety officer.
  • Numbers and types of patrol/marshal/safety vessels and how they will be used to manage risk including preventing unauthorised vessels from entering any reserved areas. ● Emergency procedures.
  • Operating procedures, e.g. briefing, start process, during the race, finishing and debriefing.
  • Operational limits: e.g. wind, tide, rain, swells etc.
  • First Aid equipment and number of First Aid trained personnel on site.
  • Communication process (VHF, mobile phones, PA, etc.). 
  • A list of all safety equipment on site and carried on board vessels.
  • Compliance with Maritime rules.
  • Analysis of all risks involved in the event and what measures will be used to eliminate, isolate or minimise those hazards, including aquatic weeds/biosecurity prevention procedures.
  • Map of event course(s) and required reserved areas.
  • A communications plan between event organisers and Council.
  • Schedule of safety briefings and key messages. 
  • Justification for any reserved areas and bylaw uplifting requested.
  • A copy of the insurance policy held for the event.
  • Affiliations to any national bodies.
Please upload a copy of the Public Liability Insurance Policy detailing the insurer, insurance cover amount, relevant exclusions and policy expiry date.
Please upload a copy of the Application for a Compliance Certificate for an Outdoor Pyrotechnic Display Work – (if applicable).
Please upload a written authorisation from the occupier/trustee of the foreshore land intended to be used in connection with the proposed event/activity – (if applicable).


Completed all sections of this form
Ensured all contact details listed in application and SOP are correct.
Attached a detailed nautical chart/map of the area the event is to take place
Attached a Safe Operating Plan
Attached a copy of the Public Liability Insurance Policy
Attached a copy of any Test Certificate required
Enclosed a written authorisation from the occupier/trustee of the foreshore land intended to be used in connection with the proposed event/activity – (if applicable)


  1. I am authorised to act as the applicant for the purpose of the aquatic event and all the information supplied is true and correct. 
  2. I understand that if any detail is found to be incorrect, the aquatic event may be cancelled without notice.
  3. As the applicant for the aquatic event, I will implement strategies to alleviate all risks associated with the aquatic event and that Bay of Plenty Regional Council is indemnified and released from all liability in this regard.
  4. I agree the aquatic event will be run in accordance with all conditions imposed by the Bay of Plenty Regional Council.
  5. I agree I will pay, on invoice, all costs incurred for the Public Notifications requirements of this application. I have been made aware through discussions with the Council, the approximate cost of notification.
  6. I acknowledge that, if in the opinion of the Harbour Master (or representative), the event is not managed safely, the Harbour Master (or representative) may cancel the event at any stage, and the Council will not have any liability for any losses incurred by the event organiser or competitors/participants as a result of any cancellation.
  7. The information I have supplied may be available to any person who enquires in accordance with the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the Privacy Act 1993.

Yes, I declare that as an applicant, or on behalf of the corporate body applicant, the following is true and correct.
