The RMA requires Council to review its regional plans on a regular basis and sets out a formal Plan Change process for this to happen. Our starting point is checking what we know – what the Regional Policy Statement tells us to do, where the current plan is working and where it is not, and what our community is telling us.
The review of the regional plans will be part of a formal Resource Management Act process. The broad steps include:
- Reviewing and monitoring the effectiveness of current planning provisions under section 35(2)(b) of the RMA. See the following documents for the results of this review.
- Reviewing our understanding of the resource (e.g. research, monitoring and modelling). We monitor the state of the environment, including specific geothermal monitoring in some places (e.g. surface feature and geothermal reservoir monitoring in Rotorua).
- Identifying the community's values through community engagement. Engagement with the community throughout the plan review process is crucial. At all key stages of the plan review, we have been and will be working closely with Māori and holding targeted workshops with stakeholders and interest groups. This approach will vary between different systems.
- Developing system management plans (a whole system approach) to inform policy. The Regional Policy Statement requires system management plans for some geothermal systems including Kawerau, Tauranga and Rotorua. The system management plans will guide the policies in our Regional Plans.
- Weighing up different management options and their costs and benefits.
From this work we will develop informal draft plan provisions for feedback from the community, before a formal plan change is publicly notified for submissions under the Act.