Please complete this form and an activity form for your application. Where you are applying for more than one activity, you only need to complete one of these forms (Form A).
Forms |
Ready to apply for a resource consent? All downloadable consent forms can be found on this page.
Putting together a consent application is complex; however, the clearer you describe what you want to do and where you want to do it, the easier the process of lodging an application will be.
We have many types of consent forms you can download. Please find and complete the appropriate form, then email it to
More information about consents can be found in the resource consents section of our website.
Resource Consent Application Details Form
Please complete this form and an activity form for your application. Where you are applying for more than one activity, you only need to complete one of these forms (Form A).
Forms |
Culvert, bridge, instream works, lake structures
Construct a bore and undertake pump test
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Information |
Land use consent: Lake Rotorua Nutrient Management
Forms | Please call a BOPRC Land Management Officer in the Rotorua Office on 07 921 3377 or 0800 884 881 x7444. |
Guide | A guide to your land use resource consent |
Farming: discharge farm dairy effluent and intensive winter grazing
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Information |
Earthworks, quarrying, vegetation clearance
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Information |
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Information |
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Information |
Other forms (surrenders, transfers, etc)
Forms | |
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