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Funds available for community adaptation planning

Funding has been established through the Long Term Plan process to enable flax roots climate change adaptation planning directly by communities, at their scale.

The funding is in recognition that communities are deeply connected to place and changes to that place. While councils in the region will be facilitating adaptation planning at a regional/district scale, the objective of the funding is to complement this with a bottom-up community approach. It is expected that these processes complement each other.

Up to $20,000 is available for individual projects per financial year which enable groups to start planning for a changing climate at a community scale.

How to apply

Applications for funding can be submitted at any time.

If you have an idea in mind, or are already in the process of investigating such a project, please reach out to Regional Council on 0800 884 880 or via email for an application form or to discuss your proposal.

Find out more about the different types of support we offer through funding and scholarships.

Related documents

Case studies

Waihi Beach Lifeguard Services

waihi beach illustration

The lifeguard club is located in the heart of Waihī Beach and has been helping keep swimmers safe since 1936. It still plays a critical role in the community today as a base for summer patrols, base for Search & Rescue (SAR), training centre and community hub. Recent flood events and a report by GNS Science on sea-level rise and coastal flooding (inundation) has highlighted that the club is one of the most vulnerable to coastal inundation in the country.

Faced with this knowledge, in May 2023 the club reached out to Regional Council for technical advice and support. This led the club to apply for funding to support adaptation planning. This funding set in motion a series of workshops to produce a community-led adaptation plan that will help ensure the club is more resilient in the future.

Check out the brochure to learn about the journey this community group took to better understand the climate challenges they will face and what changes they can implement to ensure the delivery of their patrolling and SAR services.