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Submit a forestry notice

Please complete this form if you would like to submit a notice in advance of any forest activity.

The NES-CF regulations require those undertaking an activity in a forestry block greater than one hectare to give notice to Council. These activities include afforestation, forestry quarrying, river crossings, earthworks and harvesting. This is a free and easy to complete process that allows us to monitor the combined effects of activities in an area. 

Note: Fields marked * must be filled in.
If the notice is being made on behalf of a trust, the Trustees must be named.
Land owner
Forest manager
Tauranga District
Whakatāne District
Rotorua District
Western Bay of Plenty District
Kawerau District
Ōpōtiki District
Taupō District

Bay of Plenty Regional Council will auto-forward this notification to the Territorial Authority selected above. This does not remove any responsibility to notify a Territorial Authority under the NES-CF.


Latitude/ Longitude of activity being notified

e.g. 38°05’50.6”S
e.g. 177°20’45.4”E

Upload any supporting documentation

e.g. site plan, management plan.
Forestry quarrying
River crossings
Battery culvert
Drift deck
Single-span bridge
Single culvert
Contaminants to water
Mechanical land production
Indigenous bird nesting
Contaminants to land that may enter water
Disturbance associated with river crossing
Pruning and thinning-to-waste
Disturbance associated with structure maintenance or removal

Time and duration of works

Only required for Afforestation and Forestry Quarrying i.e. streams, wetlands, coastal environment and how setback from these features were calculated.

Information privacy issues

I confirm that I have authority to sign on behalf of the parties undertaking the permitted activity. I have read, and understood, all of the information contained on this notice form, including the requirement to pay additional costs of compliance if incurred. I confirm that all the information provided is true and correct and understand that any inaccurate information provided could result in non-compliance with a permitted regulation.

The information you provide in this notice is regarded as official information. It is required under the provisions of the National Environmental Standard for Plantation Forestry (2018) to comply with permitted activity regulations, and to assist in the management of the region's natural and physical resources. The information will be held by Bay of Plenty Regional Council, Quay Street, Whakatāne. This information is subject to the provisions of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, and the Privacy Act 1993. The information you provide in this notice will generally be available to the public. If there is information that you would like to remain confidential please contact a consents officer to discuss. Failure to provide this information will mean that Bay of Plenty Regional Council will be unable to process your application.

I have read, and understand, all of the information contained on this notice form, including the requirement to pay additional costs of compliance if incurred.


I confirm that all the information provided is true and correct and understand that any inaccurate information provided could result in non-compliance with a permitted regulation.
