Changing regional policies and rules to manage freshwater better
Since 2020, Regional Council has been researching and engaging with hundreds of people about changes to how land and freshwater are managed to address freshwater issues in our region and implement the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 (NPSFM).
Our six-month long community engagement period closed on 30 September 2023, and elected Councillors were about to consider releasing draft freshwater related changes to the Regional Policy Statement and Regional Natural Resources Plan (RNRP) for targeted feedback by the end of January 2024, before notifying changes formally in December 2024.
At a Strategy and Policy Committee meeting held on Tuesday 20 February 2024, Council decided to extend the timeframe for notifying proposed changes to September 2025 (from December 2024).
Following that time, staff reset their work programme and were working towards releasing draft changes for approval for late 2024 for a period of informal feedback.
Progressing this work was based on the need for an updated plan change that considered:
- Improved environmental outcomes based on the latest science
- Providing certainty for water consent renewals in 2026 and, in some cases, improve water availability for development.
- Streamlined plans to be simpler for water users
On 22 October this year, Central Government announced an amendment to the RMA to prevent Regional Councils notifying proposed regional plan changes for freshwater until the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 is replaced or 31 Dec 2025 (whichever is first). There are some exemptions where a plan change may be appropriate, but these would need to be approved by the Minister for the Environment.
At a Council meeting held 10 December 2024, Councillors decided not to release a draft Regional Policy Statement and Regional Natural Resources Plan Change for Freshwater until after the NPS for Freshwater Management is gazetted in 2025, instead of releasing the drafts in November 2024. Four options were presented. Council agreed to Option 2 enabling staff to test topics informally with stakeholders and tangata whenua. Key topics endorsed by Council for topic testing: OSET (On-site effluent treatment), water quantity (surface and groundwater limit setting), managing contaminants from farming land use, and provisions enabling restoration.
We still have issues to address – degraded estuaries, new science and information on how to manage freshwater better, potentially the ability to make more water available for use, the need for a streamlined plan to make consenting process easier and more than 600 consents which will be up for renewal in 2026.
We would like to thank the many people in our community, including tangata whenua, community groups, farmers, sector organisations and key stakeholders who have invested time into this plan process. We thank you for your patience and look forward to talking with you again in the future.