The Kaituna Catchment Control Scheme covers 1,250km2 from coastal areas around East Pāpāmoa and Maketū, through to horticultural areas around Te Puke, and the wider Rotorua area (including Ōkere Falls, Rotoiti and Te Ngae).
It includes both the Kaituna and the Mangorewa River, Waingaehe, Puarenga, Utuhina and Waiowhero Streams through the Rotorua urban area, and Lake Rotorua and Lake Rotoiti.
It is one of five major River Schemes that were established in the 1970s by Regional Council (then known as the Catchment Commission) to effectively manage and maintain the flood defences along the awa, to help protect the lives and livelihoods of the community.
Kerry Smith, Kaituna Catchment Control Scheme Area Engineer, tells us more:
This scheme includes:
Bay of Plenty Regional Council owns and manages an array of flood protection and drainage defences across the rohe (such as stopbanks, floodgates, floodwalls etc).
As well as developing new or improved flood defences, our team undertake regular work to test, check, repair and maintain these defences.
We do this to make sure they are in good condition, so that when a flood event occurs, the flood defences will help manage the impacts to the community.
Latest rainfall and river levels
You can also access all rainfall and river level data through our Environmental Data Portal.
All ratepayers across the region contribute to river and drain management. However, if you live within a scheme, you pay an additional targeted rate for the services that you directly benefit from (such as flood protection and drainage).
Find out more information about the River Scheme, Pump & Drainage Scheme targeted rates.
What’s happening in the scheme?
Our aim is to provide a safe, reliable and efficient drainage system to the lower Kaituna catchment area that meets modern standards.
Scheme news and updates
Works on the Kaituna Catchment Scheme for the week 28 August to 1 September 2023.
Works on the Kaituna Catchment Scheme for the week 24 July to 28 July 2023.
When taking on a project, Managing Director of Romanes Construction, Paul Romanes, always looks to employ locals to be part of his crew.
With increased rainfall and weather events impacting the region, Bay of Plenty Regional Council is reminding landowners living near the region’s flood defences to refresh themselves of the rules.
Partnership and collaboration have won Toi Moana Bay of Plenty Regional Council and consultancy firm WSP a silver in the General Category at the 2021 Association of Consulting and Engineering (ACE) Awards.
Did you know that Bay of Plenty Regional Council maintain over 350km of stopbanks to help keep you safe?
Since the 2017 floods we’ve been working hard around the region to repair the damage. We’ve just completed all the repairs on the Kaituna River and alongside the physical works we've been trying to make sure we’re taking up opportunities to restore native habitat.
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Sign up and receive regular emails about what's happening in your River Scheme.
Your River Scheme Advisory Group
Flood protection is an ongoing conversation with the community, to help balance the social, cultural, economic and environmental impacts that flood protection presents.
To help achieve this, we established River Advisory Groups, which are made up of local people from along the river with different interest and involvements in the future of the awa. These locals are here to represent your needs and wants for the awa, which helps advise our teams when it comes to flood projects, maintenance and management.
Find out more the Kaituna Catchment Control Scheme Advisory Group.
Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority
Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority is a co-governance partnership mandated to restore, protect and enhance the environmental, cultural and spiritual health and well-being of the Kaituna River.
Find out more about the Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority.