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Council meeting Council meeting

Live streaming

Welcome to the Bay of Plenty Regional Council live stream page. 

Here is where you can watch Council and committee meetings live in session.

Alternatively, watch the meetings on the BOPRC YouTube channel. Check upcoming meeting schedules and agendas on our individual committee pages

Livestreaming of Public Council Meetings

All public meetings of Council and its Core Committees are currently being livestreamed, recorded and also made available to the public after the meeting on Council’s website. When livestreaming is not possible a recording will be made visible on our YouTube channel after the meeting.

Live streaming allows you to watch and listen to the meeting in real time, giving you greater access to Council debate and decision making and encouraging openness and transparency.

Every care is taken to maintain individuals’ privacy and attendees are advised they may be recorded.

There may be situations where, due to technical difficulties, a live stream may not be available. Technical issues may include, but are not limited to the availability of the internet connection, device failure or malfunction, unavailability of social media platforms or power outages. While every effort will be made to ensure the live streaming and website are available, Bay of Plenty Regional Council takes no responsibility for, and cannot be held liable for the live streaming, if Council’s website is temporarily unavailable due to technical issues.

Opinions expressed or statements made by individual persons during a meeting are not the opinions or statements of the Bay of Plenty Regional Council. Council accepts no liability for any opinions or statements made during a meeting.

Access to live streams and recordings of Council meetings is provided for personal and non-commercial use.  Video, images and audio must not be altered, reproduced or republished without the permission of Council.

In addition, Council’s standard website terms of use continue to apply to your use of Council’s website. 

Council will not be liable to you (the individual(s) watching this recording), or to any third party for any loss or damage that might result from:

  • Watching the recording;
  • Any statement made on the recording;
  • Reliance on any statement made on the recording;
  • Infringement of intellectual property or privacy rights (other than those covered by our Privacy Policy and the reference to privacy procedures in the Protocols)

Reading the agenda during the live stream

Meeting agendas and supporting documentation are available on our individual committee pages.  

Helpful tips:

  • To open an agenda in a different window, right-click and select the desired option.
  • It's helpful to make your browser windows smaller so you can place the live stream window next to the one with the agenda open.

Having problems with the video?

If you’re using Internet Explorer, you might want to try the Google Chrome browser.

Note: during the live meeting, the screen will appear blank or with a Council logo during breaks or public excluded items. Live stream will re-appear when the meeting continues.

Tech problems?

Here are solutions to check out:

  • Refresh the page (press Ctrl+F5 on PC / CMD+R on Mac).
  • If you aren't already, try using the Google Chrome browser.
  • Try watching it directly from our YouTube channel.
  • If you see a message about safety mode or restricted. mode, go to YouTube and turn the safety/restricted mode setting off in your account – check out the instructions here

If you're still experiencing issues, the session is recorded and will be available on the committee page, or our YouTube channel shortly after the meeting.