Ko te rongoā kei roto i ō tātau ringa
Already in our hands are the remedies
We can adapt to our changing climate, and we have funding to support communities who are ready to start planning, but we’ve got to slow these changes by producing less emissions too.
We know that to make real and sustainable reductions to our greenhouse gas emissions, there needs to be change at all levels – international, national, regional, and local. We all have a role to play in building a better future for the next generation.
Individual Climate Action
There is plenty we can all do to help reduce our carbon footprint. Here are some great tools that help you understand the impact of your everyday actions on our planet.
If you’re looking at how you can cut your own carbon emissions, Live Lightly is a great place to start. This website explores the many everyday choices we face and the related carbons emissions. It covers travel, energy use, food, general purchases, and waste.
Genless is another great resource, featuring stories, tools, and a whole range of actions you can take that will cut down energy-related greenhouse gas emissions - and benefit our climate, your wellbeing, and your pocket.
The Future Fit tool gives you an indication of the impact your lifestyle has on our planet, and how your everyday actions can make a difference. Take 5 minutes to get an idea of your footprint or stay longer and choose new actions, challenge friends, track and share your progress.
Community Climate Action
Work out how you can make regular changes that work with your whānau (family) and the rest of your community.
Get involved in community planting days, beach and river clean ups, and many other initiatives to make the Bay of Plenty a more climate resilient place to live.
Check out these initiatives near you:
- Coast Care
- Volunteering and Environmental Care Groups
- Envirohub
- Apanui Saltmash Care Group
- Forest & Bird
Business Climate Action
As a business you have an opportunity to reduce your emissions and undertake climate change initiatives through the following:
- Climate Action Toolbox
- Priority One
- Sustainable Bay of Plenty
- TOI EDA, Eastern Bay of Plenty Economic Development Agency.
Youth Spaces around the Rohe
We work with other councils, agencies, and the communities across the region. Keep an eye out for the latest initiatives, projects and events.
- Envirohub is a cool place to learn and take action for a more sustainable future.
- Priority One Tauranga Moana is the Western Bay of Plenty region’s economic development organisation. They have a cool space for young people to help develop skills and talent for the future by providing students information, pathways and leadership opportunities.
- Bay Conservation Alliance has a Tauira Mahi programme. Explore some great nature and environmental education resources.