March 2023
March 2023 Media Releases
Dairy farm discharge prosecution shows importance of correct effluent management practices
Two Aongatete farmers have been convicted and fined a total of $28,000 for discharging dairy shed effluent to land where it entered a tributary of the Aongatete estuary.
Speed key concern in navigation safety bylaws feedback
Safer speed limits in recreational areas, the future of current ski zones and a buoyed swim lane in Pilot Bay were shot topics as part of the Regional Council’s Navigation Safety Bylaws review.
Restoration of Tarawera awa focus for new Treaty co-governance group
The Tarawera Awa Restoration Strategy Group (TARSG) had its inaugural hui in Whakatāne on Tuesday 28 February. The newly formed Treaty co-governance group will endeavor to improve the mauri (life force) of the awa.
Project to support Ohiwa Harbour’s waterways reveals at-risk indigenous fish species
A project to improve connectivity between the waterways around the Ōhiwa Harbour, and increase freshwater fish populations, has uncovered the presence of threatened and at-risk indigenous species.
Rural school now has a sustainable watering system thanks to Regional Council funding
With the help of Bay of Plenty Regional Council’s School Sustainability and Resilience Fund, Oropi School now has a sustainable watering system that will keep their fruit and vege plants hydrated – even with no one around.