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Ford Road Pump Station upgrade Ford Road Pump Station upgrade

Ford Road Pump Station upgrade

We're replacing the existing Ford Road Pump Station to ensure that the pump can continue to maintain safe operation and current service levels.

Why are we doing this?

The Ford Road Pump Station is a key asset in the Kaituna Catchment Control Scheme and has been assessed as nearing the end of its useful life. It needs to be replaced with a new pump that meets modern standards.

The new pump station will reduce the risk of damage to people, property and pasture by clearing flood water within three days for all but the largest rainfall events. It will also support the productive use of low-lying land on the eastern side of the lower Kaituna catchment by maintaining ground water levels below the pasture root zone in the serviced area.

Flood protection is the first line of defence when it comes to reducing the impact of significant flooding, which is why we now have over $400M of flood protection defences across the rohe, such as floodwalls and stopbanks.

Find out more about our flood protection efforts.

This project involves removing the existing pump station at Ford Road and building a new one approximately 2km upstream. We will also be upgrading the drainage network by widening approximately 1.6km of the existing drains using a “two-stage channel design” and upgrading two existing box culverts and one farm bridge.

This project will be completed in three stages:

Stage 1 – Widening the drain network and upgrading the box culverts and farm bridge.

Stage 2 – Construction of the new pump station and outlet structure.

Stage 3 – Demolition of the existing pump station.

Once completed, the pump station will provide safe, reliable and efficient drainage while improving water quality, ecological health and allow safe fish passage.

Funding for this project was approved in the BOPRC Long Term Plan 2021-2031.

Regional Council has completed the Options Assessment phase for the Ford Road Pump Station replacement project.

We have been granted an Archaeological Authority and have submitted the appropriate consents for consideration.

Construction has started on Stage 1 of this project which involves widening the drains to increase water capacity and ensure that the new pump station works effectively to drain flood waters from the surrounding land. We will also be upgrading two box culverts and one farm bridge to ensure access for ongoing drain maintenance. In addition to this, we will be taking measures to help improve water quality and control weed growth in the drain.

The preliminary design for the pump station replacement is also being worked through. Regional Council is still considering two different types of pumps - referred to as the Axial Pump Option or Archimedes Pump Option. Both options are considered 'fish-friendly'. Investigations into capital cost and operational costs of each pump will be taken into consideration during this phase to determine which one will be used going forward.

News and updates

7 MONTHS AGO Ford Road Pump Station upgrade has begun

Work is underway on Stage 1 of the Ford Road Pump Station upgrade.

The Ford Road Pump Station is a key asset in the Kaituna Catchment Control Scheme. During our regular maintenance and monitoring, we found that it was nearing the end of its useful life and needed replacement.

8 MONTHS AGO Construction notice

Please take care when passing through the lower Kaituna area (around Kaituna and Te Tumu Roads). 

There will be an increase in truck traffic near the Kaituna wetland over the next seven days (through to Friday 15 March, as our contractors undertake earthworks related to the Ford Road pump station upgrade project.

This is particularly important for cyclists, who are currently being detoured down Kaituna Road from the TEL cycleway.