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Mt Maunganui Mt Maunganui

Mount Air Quality Working Party

In response to the Ministry for the Environment deeming the Mount Industrial area a polluted airshed, the Mount Air Quality Working Party was established in December 2020.

This group has representatives from Whareoa Marae, five industrial businesses (Lawter, Ballance, J.Swap, Port of Tauranga, and Waste Management), Clear the Air community group, Ministry for the Environment, Tauranga City Council, Bay of Plenty District Health Board and Bay of Plenty Regional Council.

This Working Party creates a platform for identifying key issues, determining the appropriate group(s) to resolve these issues, sharing information and contributing to initiatives. The group meets four times per year. It gives iwi partners, organisations and stakeholders a quarterly forum and engagement opportunity for those interested in this airshed’s community, health and environmental outcomes.

Ultimately, the group aims to clear the air in the Mount Maunganui Industrial Area and reduce discharges by enabling involvement and participation from key groups.

Multiple agencies play a part in protecting communities’ and the environment’s health with their legal responsibilities around the air that we breathe. The four organisations below are represented in this Working Party.

  • Bay of Plenty Regional Council - Controls the discharges of contaminants to air.
  • Ministry for the Environment – Sets national limits and rules for air quality, and monitors Council performance.
  • Tauranga City Council - Controls the effects of land use, and impacts on environmental health.
  • Bay of Plenty District Health Board -  Directs actions to protect environmental health, and promotes actions to improve health.

Short term

  • Monitor air quality 24/7 to detect any immediate issues of concern as well as understand long-term patterns
  • Notify health impacts in order to respond to immediate issues as well as understand long term effects
  • Share lived experiences of the community so agencies and industry understand effects of activities and decisions
  • Provide inventories of contaminants and discharges to improve general understanding of what’s in the air
  • Undertake compliance to ensure existing rules are followed.

Medium term

  • Support community initiatives such as planting to improve the lived experience
  • Process consents using best available and up to date information, and acknowledging the specific issues and cumulative effects facing the Mount Industrial Area
  • Industry upgrades and initiatives to be progressed to ensure best practice and reduce impacts
  • Science and trends of air quality to be reported in order to make good decisions
  • Investigation of managed retreat to be progressed by hau kainga to look at possible future outcomes.

Long term

  • World Health Organisation guidelines to be adopted and reflected in national, regional and local policies and rules
  • Revised National Environmental Standards for Air Quality standards and limits to be finalised and given effect to
  • New district and regional policies and rules set that reflect both national direction and the issues facing Mount Maunganui.

Title Overview Organisation and report writer

Monitoring in the Mount Industrial Airshed – May 2022

Infographic with examples of four key monitoring areas to manage air quality and pollution. Bay of Plenty Regional Council
Ambient Air Quality Data Update 2020 Significant report across all air quality measures.  Bay of Plenty Regional Council - Shane Iremonger and Max Mackay

Summary of Air Quality matters and pollution – October 2021

Fact sheet sumarising air quality matters in the Mount industrial area.  Bay of Plenty Regional Council

Terms of Reference for the Working Party

Vision, mission, purpose, membership and more background to the Working Party. Mount Air Quality Working Party

Reporting template

Template for recording monthly observations and notifications. Bay of Plenty Regional Council


Please note these minutes become an accurate capture of meetings once they are confirmed at the following meeting, so the most recent minutes may be updated.

Date Agenda Minutes Supporting documents

17 June 2024

Agenda Minutes  

15 November 2023

Agenda Minutes  

17 July 2023

Agenda Minutes

22 February 2023

Agenda Minutes

22 November 2022

Agenda Minutes

23 August 2022

Agenda Minutes

17 May 2022

Agenda Minutes

1 March 2022

Agenda Minutes

11 November 2021

Agenda Minutes

9 September 2021

Agenda Minutes  

18 May 2021

Agenda Minutes

6 April 2021

Agenda Minutes  

3 March 2021

Agenda Minutes

7 December 2020 - Inaugural meeting

Agenda Minutes