The Bay of Plenty Regional Council has drafted the Regional Land Transport Plan for public submissions.Consultation begins at 8am on the 23rd February and closes at 4pm on the 23rd March.
The Regional Land Transport Plan (The RLTP) is a statutory document outlining the plan to address the regions transport needs into the future.
Any person can make a submission. The submission form is available on our website and in the back of the summary document.
A summary document, the draft Plan, submission form and other supporting documents available on or can be publicly viewed at a Bay of Plenty Regional Council office.
Public Hearings will be held from the 10th to the 12th of April. The RLTP be adopted by Council on the 5th June for submission to Waka Kotahi by the 14th of June for national transport funding.
To receive hard copies of the documentation, including a printed submission form, please ring our call centre to get one sent to you.
For further information please ring 0800 884 880.
Fiona McTavish
Chief Executive