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Te Uru Kahika – Regional and Unitary Councils Aotearoa Te Uru Kahika – Regional and Unitary Councils Aotearoa

Te Uru Kahika – Regional and Unitary Councils Aotearoa

Councils can achieve more, at lower cost to their communities, when they work together on common challenges.

Te Uru Kahika supports regional and unitary councils through a small virtual office and an extensive network of subject-matter and professional experts.

New Zealand has 16 regional and unitary councils that collectively cover the entire country. They perform important roles assigned to them by central government and carried out on behalf of their communities.

te uru kahika logo

Benefits for regional government

Working together nationally helps us to deliver for communities and the environment regionally.

  • A stronger, more united presence enables us to speak with one voice and advocate for regional differentiation or national consistency, based on which is most appropriate to the situation.
  • Collectively, we have the scale and expertise to deliver critical infrastructure and policy implementation.
  • Co-investment in tools and information that all councils need provides better capability at a much lower cost. This spans data management systems, research, guidance, and training.
  • Established relationships across councils mean we support each other in a crisis and draw on a broader pool of expertise than most councils can maintain individually.
  • Learning from each other helps us work alongside tangata whenua and others to achieve better outcomes.
  • Consistent shared language and messaging reduces confusion and builds community understanding across the varied areas of regional and unitary council work.

Together, we’re working towards thriving environments and communities.