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Kaituna River Kaituna River

Change 5 (Kaituna River)

Change 5 is now operative

What is Proposed Change 5 (Kaituna River)?

Kaituna He Taonga Tuku Iho – A Treasure Handed Down (The Kaituna River Document) was a requirement of the Tapuika Claims Settlement Act 2014. The Kaituna River Document was prepared by Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority, a co-governance entity of iwi and council representatives.

The Kaituna River Document’s purpose is to promote the restoration, protection and enhancement of the environmental, cultural, and spiritual well-being of the Kaituna River and its tributaries.  This document was prepared in consultation with iwi, hapū and the wider community.

The Bay of Plenty Regional Policy Statement (RPS) must recognise and provide for the vision, objectives and desired outcomes of the Kaituna River Document to the extent that contents relate to  resource management issues and, it is the most appropriate way to achieve the purpose of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) for the Kaituna River.

Proposed Change 5 (Kaituna River) has been prepared under the RMA. It will be the second co-governance change to be included in the RPS and is specific to the Kaituna River and its tributaries.

The proposed change relates to freshwater so it must follow a new Freshwater Planning Process which is overseen by the Chief Freshwater Commissioner.

NOTE: Proposed Change 5 (Kaituna River) does not seek to implement the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 (NPS-FM).  Regional Council has a specific and overarching programme for NPS-FM implementation, this being the Essential Freshwater Policy Programme. This programme includes engagement with the community and tangata whenua. Region wide NPS-FM implementation will be delivered through RPS and regional plan changes which will be notified in July 2024.

E ora ana te mauri o te Kaituna, e tiakina ana hoki mō ngā whakatupuranga ō nāianei, ō muri nei hoki

The Kaituna River is in a healthy state and protected for current and future generations.

The Kaituna River and its tributaries are considered taonga (treasures) by both iwi and the community, and are valued resources for the Bay of Plenty.

The Kaituna River Document: Kaituna, he taonga tuku iho – a treasure handed down is an outcome of the Tapuika Claims Settlement Act 2014. This is a summary  of the Kaituna River Document.

The Te Tini a Tuna - Kaituna Action Plan outlines what will be done over the next ten years to deliver on the vision, objectives and outcomes of the Kaituna River Document.

The Kaituna River Document took effect from 1 August 2018 following consultation with the community, hapū and iwi.

Since 2019, Regional Council staff members have been working on developing Proposed Change 5 (Kaituna River). A draft version of the proposed change was open for public comment from 18 August to 16 October 2020. Twelve comments were received and the proposed change was updated in response to the feedback received.

Comments received:

  1. NZ Kiwifruit Growers Incorporated
  2. Freda Woisin
  3. Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society Inc
  4. Transpower New Zealand Limited
  5. Tauranga City Council
  6. Eastland Generation Limited
  7. Western Bay of Plenty District Council
  8. Te Tumu Landowners Group
  9. Rotorua Lakes Council
  10. Horticulture New Zealand
  11. Bay of Plenty Federated Farmers and Rotorua/Taupō Federated Farmers
  12. The Proprietors of Taheke 8C and Adjoining Blocks (Inc)

The freshwater planning process provisions are set out in Section 80A and Part 4 of Schedule 1 to the Resource Management Act 1991. This planning process is overseen by the Chief Freshwater Commissioner Professor Peter Skelton who has been appointed by the Minister for the Environment.

Regional councils are required to use this planning process to implement changes required by the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 (NPS-FM) and for any change to a regional plan or regional policy statement if it ‘otherwise relates to freshwater’. Proposed Change 5 (Kaituna River) ‘relates to freshwater’ so it must follow this process.

More information on the Freshwater Planning Process can be found on the Chief Freshwater Commissioner’s website.

Key contact

For more information on Proposed Change 5 (Kaituna River) please email Sharlene Pardy, Team Leader Policy (Environmental).