The On-Site Effluent Treatment Regional Plan 2006 deals with the effects of domestic wastewater on water quality in the Bay of Plenty.
On-site effluent treatment systems include septic tanks and associated soakage fields and advanced aerobic systems.
The Plan and maps are available to download:
- Operative On-Site Effluent Treatment Regional Plan - Text
- Operative On-Site Effluent Treatment Regional Plan - Maps:
Please note Ongare Point, Te Puna West and Lake Rotomā settlement areas (excluding Ngamotu) are now reticulated and are therefore no longer considered as Maintenance Zones.
Plan Change 1 (Date Deferral for Small communities) incorporated 1 March 2011.
Plan Change 2 (Maintenance Zones) incorporated 12 August 2014.
Update in the development of new OSET provisions (previously Draft Plan Change 14 – OSET)
The public notification of the new OSET provisions (originally developed under Plan Change 14) has been delayed so it can be aligned with Bay of Plenty Regional Council’s Essential Freshwater Policy Programme.
The new OSET provisions will likely be notified late 2025 along with other changes resulting from the EFPP and the review of the Regional Natural Resources Plan.
The EFPP is looking at the changes Council needs to make to all of its plans following the release of the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 (NPS-FM).
As Draft Plan Change 14 (PC 14) relates to the protection of water quality (and public health), any provisions need to be looked at with all other freshwater related provisions, especially as the NPS-FM directs Councils to managed activities in an integrated way.
In addition, BOPRC is also undertaking a full review of the Regional Natural Resources Plan (RNRP) so PC 14 will also need to be aligned with any changes resulting from this review.
What happens in the meantime?
Under section 79 of the Resource Management Act 1991, the rules in the current Operative On-Site Effluent Treatment Regional Plan will remain in force while the new provisions are being developed.
The comments received on Draft Plan Change 14 will be used during this development process.
The new OSET provisions will include policies and rules to manage the safe treatment and disposal of domestic and non-domestic wastewater. It will cover septic tanks, greywater, composting toilets, alternative toilets, pit latrines, soak holes and aerated wastewater systems. The new provisions will eventually replace the existing On-Site Effluent Treatment Regional Plan and will be incorporated into the Regional Natural Resources Plan. The On-Site Effluent Treatment Regional Plan will be withdrawn when the new OSET provisions are operative.
If you have any questions or would like to meet to discuss the development of the new OSET provisions, please contact Jill Owen (Planner) by email or phone 0800 884 880.
What is the legal status of Draft Plan Change 14?
The Draft Plan Change document was for community consultation and has no legal effect. We wanted to know what the community thought about the draft rules so we can resolve any concerns before the rules are enforced. Feedback on the Draft Plan Change is now being used to develop new OSET provisions that will be notified in 2024 with the other plan changes under the Essential Freshwater Policy Programme to implement the NPS FM.
Once the new OSET provisions are publicly notified, the new rules will have legal effect. Council can decide to delay when new rules will be enforced.
In the meantime, under section 79 of the Resource Management Act 1991, the rules in the current Operative On-Site Effluent Treatment Regional Plan will remain in force.