Attractive blue or white flowers form umbrella-shaped clusters of small flowers December to February.
Arum lily
A clump forming lily with large arrow-shaped leaves. Has a white, funnel shaped flower with a yellow spike.
Asiatic knotweed
Listed as one of the world’s worst invasive species by the World Conservation Union.
Bears breeches
Has large, glossy dark green leaves and white / purple tubular flowers on the stem of a spike.
Beggars tick
Produces barbed seed which can be easily transported on clothing or by animals.
Canna lily
Pinkish-red to reddish-yellow and occasionally yellow or orange-red flowers.
Chilean rhubarb
A giant rhubarb-like plant up to 2m. Both the leaves and leaf stalks are covered in rubbery red prickles.
Elephant’s ear
Large leaves have the appearance of an Elephant’s Ear, hence the name.
Field horsetail
Considered a 'living fossil' as the species has been around for over 300 million years
Formosa lily
A large lily with a simple stem up to 1m tall. Spreads quickly as seed is wind dispersed.
Giant knotweed
Can grow up to 4m with an extensive root system that can be up to 3m deep and up to 7m across.
Giant reed
Massive clump-forming perennial with thin leaves that tend to droop at the edges of clumps.
Green goddess lily
A clump-forming, evergreen plant with large glossy, leathery, dark green, arrow shaped leaves.
Himalayan balsam
Competes with native species for light, space and pollinators and can dominate vegetation on stream banks.
Male fern
A fern with fronds up to 1.5m in length and are dark green above and pale green below.
A many-stemmed herb that has clusters of small white flowers from August to January.
Orange or crimson flowers appear from January to February on stems that give it zig-zag shaped appearance.
Noogoora bur
Forms clusters of burs that can stick to animal fur and its seeds are toxic to stock.
Palm grass
Originally from India. Dense, hanging palm-like leaves are pleated and taper to a point.
Large-clump forming grass up to 4 metres tall with erect fluffy, white pinkish or purplish flowerheads.
Purple nutsedge
Named due to its tubers that look like nuts. It is considered an invasive species in over 90 countries.
Rough horsetail
Primarily found in damp habitats and is considered a "living fossil" species.
Royal fern
Royal fern is deciduous (dies back in winter) and has large fronds growing up to 3m long.
Thistles invade large areas of pasture, unpalatable to stock and reduce pasture productivity.
Tuber ladder fern
It is the only fern with tubers, which are round, potato-like up to 2cm.
Variegated thistle
Large purple flowers (November to January) are surrounded by spines.
Wild ginger
Introduced as an ornamental plant due to its lush foliage and pleasant smelling flowers.